Denton Criminal Defense Attorney
If you are facing criminal charges in Denton, Texas, you are likely feeling overwhelmed and unsure about what steps to take to defend your rights and interests. An experienced Denton criminal defense lawyer from Robuck Morgan Law Firm, PLLC is here to understand the details of your case and charges, inform you of your rights, and design and implement an effective defense strategy to fight back against your charges. Together, we can fight for optimal case outcomes.

Our Criminal Defense Services
The criminal defense team at Robuck Morgan Law Firm, PLLC, is dedicated to providing clients with excellent defense strategies and fighting fiercely to defend their rights and interests. Representing the accused in Denton, TX County, and surrounding areas, we understand the local court system and laws and regulations. We can leverage our local knowledge to help you design and implement a strong criminal defense strategy against the following charges:
- Assault Offenses (Family Violence, Assault, Aggravated Assault)
- Drug Offenses (Penalty Groups 1-4, Dangerous Drugs)
- Driving While Intoxicated (DWI 1st, 2nd, 3rd or more, Intoxication Assault/Manslaughter, DWI with Child Passenger)
- Theft (Petty Theft, Grand Theft, Burglary, Shoplifting, Embezzlement)
- Robbery (Aggravated Robbery, Armed Robbery, Carjacking)
- Sex Crimes (Sexual Assault, Indecent Exposure, Child Molestation, Internet Sex Crimes, Prostitution)
- Weapons Charges (Illegal Possession of a Firearm, Unlawful Discharge of a Weapon, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Concealed Weapon Violations)
- Financial Crimes (Fraud, Identity Theft, Money Laundering, Forgery)
- and more (Domestic Violence, Arson, Manslaughter, Homicide,)
Common Texas Criminal Defense Strategies
The criminal defense team at Robuck Morgan Law Firm, PLLC, has years of combined experience helping people in Denton and surrounding areas fight back against their criminal charges. If you have been charged with a crime in Denton, a lawyer from our firm can help you understand whether the following defense strategies may work for your case:
- Arguing mistake of fact. This strategy involves stating the defendant had a specific understanding of a factual matter and, therefore, committed a crime without understanding the gravity of what they were doing.
- Proving mistake of law. Not being aware of certain laws is typically not a robust defense strategy. However, if the defendant can show they genuinely believed an act they committed was not criminal based on written documents or publications from a government authority, this may be a plausible defense.
- Arguing self-defense or defense of others. A defendant can show they used force to protect themselves or others from imminent danger or harm. This type of defense strategy involves proving the amount of force used was proportional to the amount of harm they were facing.
- Arguing defense of property. Defendants can launch a strong defense by showing they used force to prevent their property from being damaged or stolen. However, in cases involving force that results in death, the defense usually cannot use the defense of property argument.
- Demonstrating entrapment. Proving entrapment involves showing the defendant carried out a crime they otherwise would not have committed due to a scheme set up by a government authority or law enforcement. This defense strategy involves showing that the idea of committing the crime was initially generated by authorities.
- Proving duress. In some cases, defendants may be able to have their charges dropped or reduced by showing they acted out of fear for their lives. Proving a duress case involves showing an imminent threat was present.
Additional defense strategies include presenting an alibi, showing that the other party consented to acts carried out by the defendant, or demonstrating that your constitutional rights were violated. An experienced lawyer from our firm can work closely with you to understand the details of your case and design a strong defense. We understand what’s at stake and are here to help you fight back against your charges to protect your interests and reputation.
How Can a Denton Criminal Defense Lawyer Support My Case?
A criminal defense lawyer can support you in a variety of ways, depending on the specific details of your case and the charges you are facing. They can provide crucial support and advice, as well as help you navigate complex legal processes. They can support you in the following ways:
- Interpreting your case. During an initial case evaluation, a lawyer can ask detailed questions to deeply understand your case. Based on their analysis, they can provide you with information about the charges you are facing and potential penalties. They can also give you key initial legal advice and help you understand the defense strategies you could potentially use.
- Explaining criminal procedures. The criminal procedures on both the Texas state and federal levels are extremely complex and difficult to navigate. An experienced lawyer can explain the criminal proceedings and processes you will need to go through, indicating effective ways to prepare accordingly and not miss crucial deadlines.
- Building a defense strategy. Based on your case details, an experienced lawyer can help you develop a strong defense strategy. They can launch a strong investigation into your case to find crucial evidence that could exonerate you or optimize your case outcomes. They can work to understand the prosecution’s arguments and evidence in order to counter them strongly.
- Ensuring your rights are protected. It is critical to ensure that your rights are protected before, during, and after criminal proceedings. A knowledgeable lawyer can inform you of your rights and provide you with crucial advice to ensure they are not breached. Furthermore, they can investigate your case to determine whether your rights were protected.
- Negotiating with the prosecution. In some cases, it may be ideal to negotiate a plea deal with prosecutors in order to secure more lenient penalties. If appropriate, an experienced lawyer can negotiate with the prosecutor on your case to get a guaranteed lesser sentence.
- Representing you in court. If your case goes to trial, an experienced litigator can fight for you in the courtroom by presenting strong legal arguments with robust supporting evidence. They can also cross-examine witnesses to show inconsistencies or factual errors in their statements.
An experienced criminal defense lawyer can also help you navigate appeals, sentencing mitigation, and other post-conviction matters. Overall, they can help you work toward better case outcomes.

FAQs About Criminal Defense Law in Denton,TX
How Much Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Cost in Texas?
The cost of hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Texas is dependent on a variety of factors, including the lawyer’s experience, the location of the law firm, the complexity of your case, and the type of services needed. It’s important to work with a criminal defense lawyer who is upfront about their fees and pricing schemes, as well as other costs associated with your defense. By working with an honest and thorough attorney, you can avoid unexpected costs.
Do I Need a Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer?
Although it is not required by law in Texas to have a criminal defense lawyer represent your case, it is highly recommended. They can help support your case, ensure your rights are protected, and fight for positive outcomes. Furthermore, they can help you understand the charges and potential penalties you are facing, as well as assist you with developing and implementing a robust defense strategy.
How Long Can I Go to Jail for a Crime in Texas?
The amount of time you may have to spend in jail or prison for committing a crime in Texas is dependent on a variety of factors, such as the severity of the crime, the discretion of the judge, the experience of your lawyer, and the evidence available. In Texas, crimes are divided into different levels with punishments ranging from a few months in jail for minor offenses to life in prison for the most serious felonies. It’s important to work closely with a criminal defense lawyer who can inform you about the sentencing periods you may be facing based on your charges and the details of your case.
What Is the Fight Rule in Texas?
In Texas, the “fight rule” is used to refer to the self-defense laws in the state, which may be applicable to certain violent crime charges, such as murder or assault. In certain circumstances, even deadly force can be used. If you are facing assault charges, you may be able to work with a criminal defense lawyer to use the fight rule as a defense against your charges.
Work With a Fierce Denton Criminal Defense Lawyer to Fight Your Charges
Facing criminal charges in Denton? Don’t wait—contact Robuck Morgan Law Firm, PLLC today. Our experienced defense team is ready to protect your rights and build a strong defense against your charges. Reach out now for help.