
Denton Assault Lawyer

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Denton Assault Attorney

Best Denton Assault Lawyer

In Denton, Texas, there are strict criminal penalties for assault crimes, including sexual assault and aggravated assault. Those accused of these offenses can suffer greatly from the stress associated with facing severe criminal penalties and navigating overwhelming legal processes. If you are facing assault charges, a Denton assault lawyer from Robuck Morgan Law Firm, PLLC, is here to support you. Having an experienced Denton criminal defense lawyer on your side can help you build a strong defense and protect your future.

Assault Defense Attorneys in Denton County

If you have been accused of assault, contact our law firm for a free consultation

Assault by contact is typically charged as a Class C Misdemeanor (same level as most traffic offenses) but can have lifelong consequences such as an “affirmative finding of family violence”.

However, more serious cases of assault include:

  • Aggravated Assault
  • Sexual Assault
  • Assault Family Violence
  • and Assault with a deadly weapon

Assault, depending on the case, is treated as a felony, though this can be reduced or possibly even dismissed if the attorney knows what to look for and how to present the defense.
It is important to consult with an attorney before you end up in court.

Assault Crimes Our Law Firm Can Help You Defend Against

A dedicated criminal defense lawyer from our firm can defend you if you are facing charges for an assault crime. While there are many types of assault crimes in Texas, the legal strategy and potential criminal penalties will be different depending on the type of charge you are facing. The experienced legal team at Robuck Morgan Law Firm, PLLC, has in-depth experience assisting clients fight back against the following charges:

  • Assault. Assault crimes in Texas are generally defined as causing bodily injury or offensive physical contact or creating a threat of imminent bodily injury on purpose. Assault crimes can also be charged if a person is harmed due to reckless behavior. While general assault is classified as a misdemeanor, it can be charged as a felony if the crime is carried out against a security officer, peace officer, public servant, or a family member.
  • Aggravated assault. Aggravated assault is defined as assault crimes that include serious bodily injury or the use of a deadly weapon. Aggravated assault crimes tend to be more serious and charged as a second- or first-degree felony, depending on the specific details of the case.
  • Sexual assault. Sexual assault crimes are defined as penetration of a sexual organ, anus, or mouth without the consent of the person involved in the act. Sexual assault crimes are generally charged as second- or first-degree felonies, depending on the details of the associated circumstances.
  • Aggravated sexual assault. Aggravated sexual assault is defined as a sexual assault crime involving certain aggravating factors, including the use of a deadly weapon; a serious injury; or the victim being disabled, elderly, or a child. Aggravated sexual assault is generally charged as a first-degree felony with serious associated criminal penalties.
  • Injury to an elderly person, child, or disabled person. Causing severe impairment or injury to an elderly, disabled, or minor individual through action or failure to act is defined as a particular assault crime in the state of Texas. Depending on the severity of the circumstances and the defendant’s intentions, these crimes can range from first-degree felonies to state jail felonies.
  • Abandonment or endangerment of vulnerable individuals. For this type of assault crime, vulnerable individuals are defined as those who are disabled, elderly, or underage. Any conduct or abandonment that puts these people in serious danger is a type of assault crime in Texas that can range from a state jail felony to a second-degree felony. The classification of the crime is based on the severity of the circumstances and the intent.
  • Deadly conduct. Deadly conduct is a type of assault crime in Texas that can be charged as a Class A misdemeanor or third-degree felony, depending on the specific circumstances. It is defined as reckless actions that put another person at risk for serious bodily injury. It also constitutes discharging a firearm at vehicles, buildings, or people.
  • Terroristic threats. In Texas, making a threat of violence that evokes fear, interrupts public services or activities, or evokes an emergency response is a crime characterized as terroristic threats. Depending on the nature of the threats, this crime can be charged as a Class B misdemeanor to a third-degree felony.

In Texas, other assault crimes include aiding suicide, tampering with consumer products to cause serious injury, leaving a child in a car, and other types of offenses. A dedicated and experienced criminal defense lawyer from our law firm is here to help you defend against your charges, regardless of the specific crime you may be accused of.

Texas Defenses Against Assault Crimes

The passionate team at our law firm has years of experience developing and implementing personalized defenses against assault crimes. We can help you build a robust defense strategy with strong supporting evidence. Some defense strategies you may be able to leverage against your assault charges include the following:

  • Self-defense or defense of others. For Texas assault crimes, arguing that the defendant applied force to protect themselves or others from imminent harm is a common defense strategy. However, it must be proven that the amount of force exerted was proportional to the amount of danger present.
  • Consent of the alleged victim. If the defendant can show that the alleged victim consented to the actions they carried out, or if they can show there was reason to believe consent was given, this can be leveraged as a strong defense strategy. It’s important to note that this strategy is not applicable in cases that involve minors.
  • Lack of intent. If the dependent has evidence that they did not intend to carry out the crime they were accused of, this can mitigate the charges and subsequent criminal penalties. For example, if they are charged with firing at a vehicle or building, they can work to prove the discharge was accidental.
  • Misidentification or alibi. A strong alibi involves showing proof that the defendant was not present at the time and place where the crime was committed. Working with a lawyer to provide another feasible option for who the perpetrator could be may also be a defense option.
  • Freedom of speech issues. For certain assault crimes, such as terroristic threats, a criminal defense lawyer may be able to argue that certain freedom of speech issues are associated with your charges. They can advocate for your constitutional rights and work to have your charges dropped based on this assertion.
  • Miscommunication or misunderstanding. For assault charges related to verbal threats, your lawyer may be able to argue that there was a misunderstanding in the interpretation of certain language, leading certain people or groups to believe that they were in imminent danger.
  • Coercion or duress. For assault charges, such as aiding suicide, defendants can argue that they faced threats of imminent danger if they did not carry out the crime that they were ultimately accused of.

It’s important to work with an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can understand the details of your case and the charges you are facing. Based on their analysis, they can help you leverage crucial legal tools and strategies to fiercely defend yourself. From negotiating with prosecutors to advocating on your behalf in the courtroom, a criminal defense lawyer from our firm can serve as your fiercest advocate.

Expert Denton Assault Attorney

FAQs About Denton,TX Assault Law

How Can a Texas Assault Lawyer Help My Case?

A Texas assault lawyer can help your case by helping you develop a robust defense strategy, giving you critical legal advice, and advocating on your behalf in court. They can launch a strong investigation into your case, gathering counter-evidence and interviewing witnesses. In some cases, it may be useful for them to negotiate with prosecutors. Ultimately, they can help you minimize criminal penalties and fight for optimal case outcomes.

How Long Will It Take to Fight My Texas Assault Charges?

The amount of time it may take to fight your Texas assault charges is dependent on various factors, such as your case’s complexity, the schedules of the court, and whether your case ends up going to trial. While certain simple cases can be quickly resolved, more complex cases can take much longer. By working with an experienced criminal defense lawyer, you can understand the general timeline to expect for your case.

Does the State of Texas Pick Up Assault Charges?

Yes, even if an alleged victim of an assault crime does not want to press charges, the state can decide to pursue assault charges against a defendant. After law enforcement becomes involved in a case, whether or not they will prosecute is dependent on personnel in the district attorney’s office. The DA’s office will decide whether to proceed with the case by analyzing evidence gathered through investigations.

How Can Assault Charges Be Dropped in Texas?

Yes, it is possible for assault charges in Texas to be dropped under certain circumstances. For example, if there is not enough credible or accurate evidence to back up the charges, the case may not be able to proceed. Other reasons for charges being dropped involve the emergence of new evidence that exonerates the defendant or critical witnesses not being willing or able to testify. Legal or procedural issues can also be grounds for having assault charges dropped.

Fight Back Against Your Assault Charges With a Denton Assault Lawyer

If you are facing charges for an assault crime in Denton, Texas, you could be facing serious penalties, such as time in prison, hefty fines, a criminal record, restraining orders, and loss of custody or visitation rights. An experienced and compassionate assault lawyer from Robuck Morgan Law Firm, PLLC, is here to fight back against your charges, minimize your criminal penalties, and work towards optimal case outcomes. Contact us today to start discussing your case.

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